Siirry sisältöön

Varkauden Puu Oy

Varkauden Puu is a reliable and skilled manufacturer of planed wood products with over 40 years of experience in the field.

Our main products are formed mouldings and decorative paneling used by builders, interior decorators and carpenters.

Our customers include building trade wholesalers, factories and industrial painting shops, but we also sell directly to the customer. Over 90% of our production is exported to Great Britain and Central Europe.

Our machinery includes six Weinig hydrotechnical planing machines. A modern and efficient planing machine with an integrated rip saw enables the planing of 3 profiles in one operation.

Varkauden Puu Oy’s own planing cutterhead manufacture enables the production of profiles according to customer requirements within a very short time.

We produce about 20 million meters of wooden mouldings per annum. This leads to a lot of sawdust and wood chips. The sawdust is compressed into bales for animal husbandry and the wood chips are sold as heating material. In addition to this, our process leads to off cuts, which are refined at Jatkos Oy.

We use in our production certificated northern strict, small-branched wooden material. Our company management is committed to work in environmentally friendly and socially sustainable way and sustain the working conditions in the company to enable it. We also have CE-marking right.

Download Varkauden Puu`s environmental certificates


FSC® – certification

FSC®, Forest Stewardship Council® is an international non-profit organization which provides environmental responsibility forestry all over the world. FSC® supports the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals. The FSC®-licence number of Varkauden Puu is FSC-C175371.

Read more Home | Forest Stewardship Council (

PEFC™ – certification

PEFC™ is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forestry and providing wooden material`s responsible origin endorsement for company. In acquisition of wood, we follow principles of PEFC™ and all our products are PEFC – certificated.

Read more English | PEFC